Interview at Life Church
So the interview was short and sweet. I think it would be a great place to work and I am currently waiting on the Pastor to get back to me about money and benefits. I have also sent my resume to Hilton for a Staff Analyst position. So I'm just going with the flow for now. I do know for sure that my job at PTS will be moved to their Florida office. I was not given a time frame though. My boss just told me that if I had a good opportunity, I should take it. So...I'm checking out my opportunities. Please keep us in your prayers.
lookie there! someone else left a comment!
rhonda set it up in your profile settings things to allow anyone to comment. that way they odnt have to have a blog.
Thanks Betsey! I think it will all be ok though. I'm fixing to do an update on the blog to let everyone know what's going on.
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